Back on Track… I hope!

Life has been amazing the last year or so… very busy and very full of fun, family and food. This last year brought my beloved boys moving out and leaving me with a terrible case of empty nest, a wonderful new job as a visiting nurse which has left me fulfilled in so many ways, and it has brought me a wonderful new addition to our lives in the form of my grandson Dylan. He is the joyous oooops who has brought so much happiness and smiles to everyone who meets him. DSC06264

And Rob and I have been working on weight loss..
At Nicoles Wedding

And Nik and Aaron might have gotten older but they haven’t grown up… (HORRIBLE PIC Of them but it makes me laugh)
NIk and Aaron being Nik and Aaron

I found a couple of posts in my drafts section that I will be posting in a day or so. I have decided that I don’t need all the pics in each post and that was part of what was taking me so long to get posts up, then I lost track of doing it.. blah blah. So anyway, time to get back on track. Cant wait to show you what we have been cooking..

But now I’m back…

No not from outer space! HA  I have had a couple people from work ask about my blog and a couple other people have asked about recipes so I am going to try posting atleast once a week.  I might not have as many pictures as before.. or even have pictures but I still loved posting my recipes and the fun I have in making them.   So this weekend I am going to be making some roasted brined chickens and using the leftovers to make chicken and dumplings tomorrow.  But todays recipe I am going to work on is called Double Coffee Browned Butter Blondies.   And I am using the coffee nibs we got in Honduras on our cruise as a special add on.

I will post the recipe tomorrow probably with atleast one picture but I wanted to let you know what is happening in the world of the Part Time Housewife.   Lets see, Aaron is in his second semester in college studying Landscape and Horticulture, Nik just started EMT school right after our cruise, and Rob is still waiting for his clinicals to start.  Oh and he has a new love affair with the Shark Steam Cleaner.  I should be jealous but the floors look better than they ever have, so I’m not!  HA

I am still in school, taking Leadership and Management in Nursing.  We just read 22 pages on budgeting, kill me now!  Nursing is going good. I do love it very much.  It is hard and I leave many days feeling inadequate but I am doing my best so that is all I can ask of myself I guess.

All in all life is good, interesting and busy.  We finally took the boys on that cruise we have been talking about for 2 years  and that was amazing.  I have to finish my Facebook posting of pictures today and work on our memory books!  Funny how life just gets away from you!  Maybe I will work on that now while the butter is defrosting for the blondies…. sounds like a plan.

and here is a pic of us on our trip

Catch you on the flip side.

Done, Done, Done.. well not quite but close enough!!

So I am done the horrible part of nursing school.. the core and clinicals.  I had pinning last week and graduation was on Saturday.  I can say I am relieved.. though I still need to take the boards and find a job.. oh and take the online classes for the bachelors…. but that is all.  HEHE  SO now my life as a nurse can start.  The good days/the bad days/ the uncertainty until I find a job.. and the joy of helping people. 

I want to thank all of those that helped me get here.. from family to friend and all in between.  To the few subscribers I have who read my recipes and blog and tell me how much they like it.. You helped me deal with school.   AND i will be able to post and get going on the 10 recipes I have pics of but didnt have time to write up.  Thanks especially to my loving husband Rob and my sons Nik and Aaron.. without you three I really would have not been able to do this..  Love you!

First day……….
Pinning night

Scared, Excited and Nervous

The next 6 weeks are going to be so big for me and my family.  We are having 3 of us graduate, one of us get his license, and take our first real family “vacation” ever.   I am so scared for school to be over and the real work to start.  I will be graduating 2 short weeks from today.  The boys in just 6.  Life is changing and it is exciting.  As I have watched the kids grow and mature I have been in awe at the way they seem to try to take things in stride.  I would like to think that will serve them well! 

Rob finished radiation this week, unless they come up with something funky there are no more treatments that should come out of the woodwork for us.  LOL  He is in good spirits but still not feeling too well. 

Now the job hunt starts.  I have already had one HR director elude that I shouldnt bother to apply at her facility since they dont take new grads.. no experience, no job..   Keep your fingers crossed!  I will be a great nurse.. just need to get in the door.

Thanks to all that have supported me.  It means the world..

Happy Changes!!!